Coniston to Kendal

Yesterday was an ease into Lakeland mountain biking. You’ll not be going quite as high today, but there’s still plenty of climbing to look forward to, as well as a classic Lakes descent from the Garburn Pass, before heading into Staveley and Wilf’s Cafe, a renowned spot for all outdoor folk.

Distance: 32 miles

Ascent: 4542 ft

OS Map:


A steady climb into Grizedale and a great descent towards Far Sawrey leads to a climb up onto Mitchell Knotts before dropping to Windermere and the ferry.

Some of you may want to ride the North Face Trail whilst in the woods – so we’ve given you the opportunity (see trail pdf ). If you take on The North Face Trail, then enjoy, if you don’t want the excursion then ride on as stated to Far Sawrey and Windermere. However, we’ve also added the option of the Garburn Pass to this day, so if you do take a ride around Grizedale then bear this in mind.

We’d thoroughly recommend riding the pass, followed by tea and cakes at Wilf’s Cafe in Staveley. If you do take the shorter route into Kendal, a series of tracks and green lanes then lead you up and over to Kendal and a rest.

This halt has everything you need, including The Brewery Arts Centre for those inclined. A great selection of pubs for the rest of you. The Youth Hostel is still open at this time, and is a good halt with secure bike storage.

Tomorrow is a long day, so enjoy the evening and get prepared – eat pasta!