Designed for Cycling Unicorn Ladies Kit

Feel truly feminine and stylish with this modern performance cycling for ladies from DS Pro

Designed for Cycling

Look good in lycra with DS Pro, as we examine the style, design and fabric technicity of this exciting brand

Cycle Kit Technology

Ladies Cycling Kits

Women’s cycling kit matters, because having uncomfortable clothing, or a women’s cycling jersey that causes chaffing or doesn’t offer support, can turn an enjoyable ride into an ordeal.

Larisa Chinces Blog

Outlining a cycling journey, Larisa writes about her cycling life, reviews, articles, routes and thoughts. Settle back and chill out then, as Larisa shares her cycling with you.

ALÉ Mens Carbon Baselayer

Putting carbon into material isn’t new, but how ALÉ have done it within their latest cycling range is, reducing aroma from the body’s hard work as you cycle along.

ALÉ Thermo Primoloft Winter Cycling Socks

There are two important things about socks, so don’t underestimate them. Your feet are critical, and as a former mountain runner I know this, as does Larisa as an athlete.

Ale Winter Cycling Gloves

Here’s the deal people: “It’s not over until it’s over!” Yes, the cold winds of winter will stay for a while yet, especially in the high passes and hill areas. Thankfully Alé make great cold weather gloves

Ale Klimatik Winter Overshoes

Cycle overshoes are simple really: they need to be waterproof, strong and stretchy, with excellent fastenings that don’t come apart

Alé Klimatik Winter Bib tights

Good quality cycling gear is important to me, both for performance and for style. Transylvania requires hard cycling, especially in winter and I like to challenge myself. I also like my bib tights to fit well and yes, to show off my athleticism