Changes to OS Mapping
by Robert Thorpe
Having been a key user of the Ordnance Survey Open Space mapping for many years, it came as a surprise to be told that Ordnance Survey are changing their public mapping offering. As a voluntary organisation and non-commercial website, Open Space mapping has for many years allowed us to show the very best mapping to our readers for free.
Changes by Ordnance Survey from August 2021, mean that Open Space will be taken offline and replaced with a new data hub mapping for organisations like us. This led us to examine exactly how we wanted to display our routes on OS maps and what was the best way to offer even more to our readers, whilst managing our costs. Although we’ve always worked closely with the team at OS and received superb support, the back office systems necessary for the new data hub system did not seem to be the best option for us. We also wanted to be able to improve mapping views if we were to change.
As a solution, we looked at having our Ordnance Survey route maps hosted within OS itself and linking directly across to their website. This system frees up server space for us and also mean less back office work in maintaining the maps, as well as sending cyclists to the world class mapping systems available to help them from OS itself. After all, Ordnance Survey have helped us for many years, so why not send thousands of our readers regularly to the OS website.
Better still, by using their new mapping products for our routes, our readers are also given ‘fly through’ options and also the ability to link their current location to each route map when used. More layers are avalaible too, including satellite imagery layers.
The new mapping is being implemented by us during July this year, and so you’ll start to see this on many of our route pages as the work progresses. You can also join Ordnance Survey with a mapping subscription, giving yourself even more options from our routes, inlcluding the fly through, liesure series maps and satellite imagery.
We’re really excited that we’ve managed to turn the changes to Open Space mapping into an opportunity to offer our readers even better mapping for the future. And, we’re pleased to be able to support the Ordnance Survey even more, as the worlds greatest mapping agency heads into the future by helping cyclists, walkers and mountaineers in the U.K. with the very best mapping products.