Katya Swan – DS Pro Athlete
DS Pro have some amazing athletes on their team, and so when Katya wrote about her treatment for skin abrasion falls, we thought that it was useful advice to share with our readers. Nobody likes to take a tumble and tear away skin, but here’s Katya’s tips…
Not the first time I went down, but this road rush is definitely the worst one. #shithappens But look at my butt and my @oliverotto_ my bib didn’t even got damaged!!! Amazing.
It’s not only the pros that take falls and suffer road rash, with layers of skin torn. The only difference is that they have a medic leaning out of a car and treating their injury as they continue to ride! No, it happens to us mortals to; especially when we’re pushing the limits, which is what all athletes do to improve. My injury war story.
I went into the turn too fast too wide, and add some sand in this – ouchie happens. The Bike is fine! Like all good cyclists, I fell and protected the bike – it’s in the rules! I wasn’t alone. I finished my Saturday century, too 🙂 Not without pain, but… #strongrussianwoman
You have to use the pain as as a drug to keep you focused. Keep riding through the pain and remain positive. It’s happened, you can’t change the fall, but you can complete the ride. Anyway, post ride it has to be treated and there’s no medic hanging out of a car for me 🙂 Tips for making shower a bit less painful, but let’s hope you won’t need it:
Step 1. Yell loud all the bad words you know: suka-blyad-fckfkcfck 😉
Step 2. Cover wounds with neosporine (it will numb it a bit and keep the dirt moistured). You may not have this with you, but having a small first aid kit on long rodes is useful. Keeping the dirt and wound moistured will help when you come to cleaning the wound.
Step 3. Gently start washing it with cotton ball/cotton disk. Wash gently in one direction and change the cotton woll balls often. Wash from inside the wound outwards. Do not rub hard at all, but be gentle and take your time.
Taking a layer of skin off during a fall will sting like crazy, but make sure to clean out all of the road grit and dirt. If you don’t clean out the wound, it could lead to infection – just grit your teeth!
Step 4. Don’t forget to repeat Step 1 while doing all this – especially in the shower!
Step 5. Use a gauze and non-stick dressing Keep an eye on the dressings and change them as necessary, even every day, as you need to keep away infection. Do not pick away at the hard scabby skin as the wound heals, or it may leave blemishes when healed. Keep putting cream onto the wound as it heals.
Monitor your wound carefully and be sensitive to increases in pain, swelling, redness, or a pungent (smelly) discharge of fluid, as this might be infection. If you are concerned, go see your doctor.
Use the experience of the fall to develop your mental strength and get back onto the bike as soon as possible – and ride! In a few weeks my skin will be healed and all I need to do is to store the memory of the fall and use it to become a better cyclist and athlete – and cycling scars are like hardcore medals anyway 😉