1. Maintain a specific order and structure in your everyday life or create new routines. Be strict with your timing, wake up and go to sleep at regular times (get up early! you’ll be glad you did!), set time for your workout and create weekly training plans. Prioritize yourself and your fitness, so you can better cope with the stress and help others.
2. Stay active, train indoors and outdoors (if allowed!). The advancement of technology has made it much easier —smart trainers, virtual platforms, videos, media services, etc.) Add some creativity to your training plan -any creativity is welcome and will keep you motivated! Sign up for virtual competitions, compete in Strava challenges, set a time to meet up on virtual platforms, such as Zwift, enter a very hard race for 2021.
3. Buy an expensive equipment and guilt yourself into going training. You know triathlon and cycling offers endless opportunities to spend money- smart trainers, new set of wheels, bike power meter, smart watches. So there will be no more excuses not to train!