Elite Cycling – How to ride rollers

We’ve been using the Elite Quick Motion and Nero Smart rollers this year, both of which have technological advancements to help you stay on the trainer. However, riding the rollers can seem daunting and a recipe for an accident, but in truth it’s easier than you think. Time for us to give you some detail and confidence.

Choosing The Right Skinsuit

Whether you ride a road bike, time trial, triathlon or MTB, you’ve probably landed on this website looking for the best skinsuit for your needs. For those who are unfamiliar, a skinsuit is an aero short-sleeved or long-sleeves onesie made of lightweight cloth that is particularly developed for cycling.

Craft Cadence Backpack for Commuters

Cycling to work is not my forte. I usually take the car but having recently converted my underused mountain bike to a hybrid and still neglected to get myself into gear (haha) I was given the chance to test Craft Cadences commuter backpack.

My first test-run was set to be a precarious one. I had meal prepped soup and wasn’t sure how well it would travel in a flimsy tub with a not-so-secure lid. But all was well.

Bringing the outdoors indoors with Elite

Who could have imagined that a cycling trainer could simulate cycling so amazingly close to reality? Nowadays, technology has reached a very advanced level, and brands like Elite from Italy are leading the way. For example, look at the top of the range rollers that Elite have invented, fully interactive and is truly something amazing – I refer to “Nero interactive rollers”.

The Athletes Guide to Hydration and Recovery

Along with the rigorous training and exercise that are routinely accomplished, athletes must be more health-conscious and pay attention to signs of stress on the body. They heavily invest in their bodies because it is the most important asset for an athlete. Of all the energy drinks and products available, how many actually deliver?

VOOM Rapid Recovery Shake

Madison Curzon recently took up triathlon and we thought that she’d benefit from some VOOM power, with their Rapid Recovery Shake. Read her thoughts here.

Skincare for Triathletes

Triathletes are considered some of the healthiest individuals on the planet. Apart from the constant exercise, most of them are often incredibly conscious about what they eat and their health.

However, because of constant exposure to the sun and other chemicals, these triathletes are also in danger of having their skin damaged or, worse, having skin issues. With that being said, here are some skin care tips for triathletes.

Signs and Symptons of Overtraining in Triathlon

Most beginner athletes, including triathletes, have the opinion that at each training session you need to give all the best – only then you can achieve the result 🙁

Summer Cycling in a Pandemic

It’s summer, but it’s not really summer. Yes, the sun is high and warm, but we simply can’t enjoy it in the way that we want to. Our writers were supposed to be competing in and writing about the legendary Trans Alp mountain bike race this year – but covid travel restrictions put paid to it.

Elite Tuo – Summer Rescue

Summer cycling can hit and miss due to the unexpected weather. Thankfully Elite have developed interactive trainers like the TUO that aren’t too concerned about the rain. Using the Elite ‘My E-Training’ app with the TUO, you can cycle around the world when heavy sorms and showers stop your outside fun.