Distance and ascent: 85km and 2960 feet of climbing
1. Starting from Cunta, take the road signed to Drasov. Follow this road as it heads to Vingard, and after Ghiroom, take the road that swings around and climbs to Hapria.
2. Stay on this road as it twists left at Teleac, passing Drambar, to the junction with the bridge at Haţegan Octavia. Turn left onto the E81 towards Sebes, where you turn off right on the local road 67C towards Petresti and stay on this to Sasciori town.
3. Pick up the 670C localroad and climb through the countryside towards Calnic, home to historic Fortress Câlnic. At Calnic take the 106F, through Garbova, before you rejoin the E81 and head left back to your start point.
Now head back to historic Sibiu and enjoy the evening 🙂
Click below for gpx file & accommodation