Choosing the best road and offroad cycling shoes

What are the world’s best cycling shoes

It’s time to ask the question about wrapping your feet in excellence

By Robert Thorpe, with images by Robert Thorpe & Diane Vilarem

As cyclists, comfort is important to us, whatever bike we’re riding. Whether it’s a commute to work, a road ride for leisure, a club ride, or an off-road adventure by gravel bike or mountain bike, we want to be as comfortable as possible – from head to toe. That includes are main contact points: the feet, our bum and of course our hands and across the arms and shoulders. If we can get these three elements correct, then we’re usually onto a winner in achieving that golden trilogy of cycling – comfort, performance and style. When we feel good and we also look good, we can take on the world. Bikefitting now allows us to achieve this without the old-fashioned trial and error technique. People like those very clever scientists at SQLab in Bavaria have been developing systems to analysis the hell out of cyclists, and in doing so, helping thousands of them to ride in comfort and increasing their cycling performance. As for the style – well, that’s up to you and your own choices 😉 .

Our feet are the most critical of the three contact elements, as they’re in more contact with the bike than any other. They not only provide some stability, but they also generate all-important forward motion. They’re connected – hopefully – to our legs and to our hips and upwards, meaning that how our feet operate on the bike can also affect lots of other aspects of our bodies, and ultimately our cycling comfort and performance. The question arises then: what are the best cycling shoes in the world? Is their one answer, or are there several options… in truth, I don’t know. However, I have my own thoughts. Even then, though, we have to break it down; what are the best road cycling shoes, the best gravel biking shoes, the best triathlon shoes and the best mountain biking shoes. We ride so many different styles of bike these days.  Add to all of this that we’re all built differently, and we each have our own unique feet – wow! It’s probably a question that has a a different answer for each of us.

Finding the best cycling shoes for road cyclists

Okay then, so on a positive note, we’ve already noticed that if you have N+1 bikes and for different styles of riding, you now need N+1 to work for your cycling shoes too. Yes, your feet operate in different ways and on different terrains for each of the three styles given, meaning that you need at least three new pairs of cycling shoes – result! Pause first, however, as it gets even more complicated. The trouble with trying to find which are the best road cycling shoes in the world – or indeed the world’s best gravel biking shoes – is that brands don’t often want to tell you how good their cycling shoes are. It’s a bit like the Heineken advert: “probably the best lager in the world!” In short, they can only usually say that they’re probably the best cycling shoes in the world – even though, in your eyes, they definitely are. Brands are rightly cautious of making claims, and rely on the consumer – you and I – to tell them how good their cycling shoes are.

How we measure the quality is also variable too, depending on personal preference. However, one element that is standard in reference, is comfort – and it’s probably the most important aspect too. If you can find the most comfortable cycling shoes in the world, then you’re onto a winner. Once you have comfort on your side, then hopefully performance will follow – style is then down to the designer and to how you mix and match things.

The best road cycling shoes will need to fit you in length, width and volume, hold your heel neatly and comfortably in place, allowing you to maximise power transfer. The shoes will need a stiff and strong carbon sole to create that power transfer, and the lateral movement will need to be curtailed, as the upper wraps itself around your strangely shaped feet. That’s a whole lot to ask of a cycling shoes; but if you can achieve it, then you’re on your way to finding the world’s best road cycling shoe… for your own unique feet! Yes, remember, as we said before, we all have feet that are different in shape, size, volume etc, which is why brands like Lake cycling shoes make probably – that all-important word – the best selection of road cycling shoe size options in the world. Their road cycling shoes are built on a variety of shoe ‘lasts’, giving different shape coverage, and then they have different width fittings, alongside a whole spectrum of sizes for length. They also measure your feet properly too, looking at volume, which when taken with a full bike fit from somebody such as SQLab, will then bring in custom insoles to refine that fit and give your feet some much needed foot love.

The issues with finding the best gravel biking shoes

Gravel biking is a tricky one – it’s created to cause a number of problems. After all, mountain biking has developed to make riding the technical trails more comfortable. Suspension, wider wheels, dropper posts, better grips, all work together to increase the flow and to take away the ‘shake, rattle and roll!’ However, gravel biking brings it all back, as you take your drop handlebar steed back onto the dusty trails and ride as fast as hell, without the refined tech that now adorns the best mountain bikes. Finding the best gravel biking shoes is also a tough one, as you first need to decide whether you’re a micro-adventurer, bikepacking your way across the land and hiking and biking at various points; or, are you a need for speed racing snake, who needs a gravel biking shoe that’s not too dissimilar from a good road cycling shoe, but which has better ventilation and a rubber sole on top of the necessary carbon, giving that all-important power transfer, whilst also providing maximum grip when you have to put your feet down. Security on the pedal is crucial too, when the terrain gets loose and technical. The clip needs to be firm, allowing your feet to hep in controlling the rear of the bike in motion.

When it comes to the ultimate fit and how the gravel biking shoe wraps your feet, then there are of course, various options. Some brands use straps, laces or BOA dials to bring the upper around the shape of the foot. Ultimately, laces are the most adjustable, and on a gravel bike, will ensure that you don’t get any dials clogged with dirt – although, if you maintain and clean your cycling shoes properly, this won’t be an issue. Again, it’s down to personal preference, and adjustability on the ride too. Lake cycling shoes already design and create gravel biking specific cycling shoes, such as their MX20G, which has the laces, alongside a mesh style upper for ventilation, and the robustness of a mountain bike shoe, with added protection in key areas.

Yes, finding the world’s best gravel biking shoes isn’t an easy task, because of those variables. However, once again, getting a professional bike fitting session will help you on your way, and allow specialists such as SQLab to be able to fit your feet to how you ride, and to add those all-important custom insoles. All that you then need to do, is to ride into adventure, hopefully having found your own version of the world’s best gravel biking shoes!

Mark Hanson, Paceline Cycles (Retailer), shoe fitting

Foot love for cyclists – on and off-road

finding the world’s best mountain biking shoes is even more problematic. Do you ride cross country, enduro, downhill, urban downhill. Then, add to this that brands feel unable to shout out, “hey there, our cycling shoes are the best in the world”, for fear of being challenged, then it can simply be a case of trial and error. Maybe we ought to allow cycling shoe brands some room, and let them say – as Heineken do in the lager stakes – ‘probably the best cycling shoes in the world!’ We’d all at least have a starting point then.

We’ve talked about fitting and form and use of cycling shoes, and maybe we should touch on the quality of the finish, and how much work and research goes into producing some of the best cycling shoes in the world. Did you know for instance, that pro cyclists have feet that are generally narrower than the average cyclist. Yes, having spent much of their formative years on bikes, they haven’t been weight bearing as much on their feet, and so shoes designed for the pro peloton are likely to not fit you properly in terms of width. We’re now deep into that personal preference and unique feet area again.

The quality of the leather, or the fabrics used in the uppers is also important. Leather is more expensive generally, but which sort? Kangaroo leather is lighter and still has that ability stretch and form a fit around your feet in time. Clarino is hard wearing, and the new mesh weave uppers by brands such as Lake, allow for air – and water – to move in and out of the upper, keeping your feet comfortable on the trail, all ride long. Ultimately though, whether you’re looking for the best road cycling shoes in the world, or the best gravel biking shoes, or the best trail shoes for mountain biking, it’s truly up to you. You have unique feet and your own unique style.

What you can do to help you to make the right choice, is to get a professional bike fit and have your feet properly measured too. Then, look around at the brands that specialise in comfort and performance, and who can add that final touch of style. Only then will your feet love you, and you’ll start to benefit from wrapping your feet in the your own choice of the world’s best cycling shoes.

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