Inspired by cycling friends

Inspired by cycling friends

When life challenges us

Robert Thorpe, Editor in Chief

It’s been over two months since I rode a bike. To some people, that may not sound too bad. However, when I tell you that it’s because of a life-changing health issue that isn’t too good, then you may understand why it’s important for me to hopefully get riding again at some point in the New Year. In the interim, I’m catching up on reviews, blogs and cycle industry work, in my day job elsewhere, as editor and lead copywriter for global cycling brands. I work at home too, which helps with the current health issues. Basically, without the full details, my bladder will never function properly again, which is tough; and I’ll have to adapt – which I will. What I’ve learned recently, is not only how mentally strong I am, but also who are the true friends to me, and which people constantly inspire me. I need to be inspired right now. I’m going to have some mental challenges ahead.

As cyclists, we tend to fall into different categories. There are the club riders and fun lovers in groups; and then we have those who will often ride alone or with one or two friends. Being a professional writer and having to often stop to take images, it’s always been easier for me to ride either in my own, or with my amazing cousin, Ian; or with another friend, Jim on the mountain bike – or better still, rides with my son, which I cannot wait to be able to do once more by spring. Life will in many respects never be the same, and I will have certain adjustments and restrictions – but I will ride. It’s going to be emotional for me, I know.

I celebrate being 60 next year too and will be visiting the Italian Dolomites and spending time cycling for a few days with close friends. I damn well will be riding as much as I can. When not riding, I’ll rest with my wonderful wife and drink red wine with pasta. We need to enjoy life more and recognise how important it is to be happy. Going through this tough time, I’ve been drawn to one or two people who inspire me. Each has their own story and they’re different and yet similar in those important aspects of character. The similarities are in how real they are; how kind, warm and caring, and how they don’t try to be anything other than their true selves. I like how dedicated they are to simply riding a bike, however tired they are, or however cluttered their lives might be.

All too often, especially on social media, people wear a mask and try to be something opposite to their own reality. It’s as though image is all that matters to them, in a sad and somewhat narcissistic way. However, these few current inspirations simply show themselves and get on with life – especially their lives on two wheels.

Testing times reveal the truth of people

I’ll start by embarrassing my close friend and colleague, Nadezhda; who rides almost daily and smiles more than anyone else I know. She’s recently been competing in a triathlon team relay, in Turkey, which she won – then dancing like a teenager up onto the stage for her prize. Nadezhda’s love for life is truly unique, and her smiles when cycling are infectious. She’s also been constantly checking on my health progress and sending my family and I love, just when needed.

Deiter Pullan, a close friend from Time Bikes, went out of his way to visit me; and our lifestyle editor, Diane has been checking on me daily for over 2 months, despite being a busy mother. I’m truly blessed with these people as friends and colleagues. And, more interestingly, there are newer friends online, such as local American cyclist, Steve Amani, who rides into beautiful Nidderdale in all weathers, and posts his adventures, reminding me that, as soon as possible, I need to get cycling again and finally meet up with him on a bike and thank him with coffee and cake for his inspirational inputs online, cycling our shared local roads.

Images by Steve Amini – Threads

Success in life is simply happiness

Then, considering that it’s truly winter in Montreal, Canada – close the home of my cycling-mad cousin, Michael; there’s Chloe, who rides daily on Zwift, tackling the hardest sessions that she can put together between work and studying, despite the deep snow outside – and still finding the time to ask how I am, and to keep reminding me that I’ll be back seeking adventures again before too long, myself. The personal dedication to riding that both Steve and Chloe have in their busy winter lives – whilst different – is just what I need right now; for it shows me how powerful and positive cycling can be when it’s part of all our lives, creating positivity. I work in an industry that contains some amazing and altruistic people, who I can call close friends – not many, but they are there if we look.

It’s all too easy to think about no going out cycling. From my own perspective, I don’t think that anyone would question me if I simply decided to stop cycling. It’s not in my character to quit though. We had a storm warning in the U.K. today, and my two sons and I went hiking onto the high and barren, wild and remote moorland of North Yorkshire. Yes, it was tough; but they stayed with me, constantly watching as roles were reversed for the very first time, making it a truly emotional moment in my life – and yes, inside I cried… and almost outwardly too. My boys, now grown up, and living daily with my current health, were watching me and checking I was okay; and saying, “don’t do too much”. With their support and inspiration, it wasn’t ever in doubt that we’d reach the distant moorland hut as one. It was a moment when my heart cried, and I felt true joy and love.

Images by Chloé Desormeaux  – Threads

Using the 86400 seconds allocated to each day we live

Watching Nadezhda cycling so much, whilst running an international business and writing; watching Steve and Chloe fit their winter outdoor and indoor cycling schedules into their own busy lives, I’m inspired, as I see the sweat falling onto the faces of these inspiring individuals; and, I know that despite everything, I will be cycling again by spring. After all, another truly wonderful friend, who I admire and love like family – Lee, from Orbea, is visiting us in February, and wild horses, or any health issue known to man, won’t stop me sharing time exploring the Yorkshire Dales with my friend and my son, Ben for a few days.

Ultimately, each of us has our own individual life experiences and challenges to face, each and every day. As adventure seekers and cyclists, we instinctively know that happiness is the key to life, and that spending time exploring nature, ultimately helps us to find ourselves. Whatever your own story is, I hope that you too are facing the challenge with the same inspirational support that I’m being humbled with from around the cycling world; because at the end of the day, all that really matters is being happy, and making the most of every single day on this beautiful planet – surrounded by amazing people, leading quite normal , but quite inspirational lives.

Diane Vilarem – Editor & Friend 🙂

None of us knows what lies around the corner. Life is a fragile gift, and each day that we wake up is a good start. We owe it to ourselves to try to be positive – whilst accepting that this isn’t always possible. It’s at times such as this that we look more deeply at life, and that we find those special people, such as these mentioned here; who inspire us to face the challenges and to beat them. Ultimately, life isn’t a dress rehearsal – so, get out there and live the fuck out of it!

To Nadia, Deiter and Diane in particular – thank you – from the bottom of my heart 🙂

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