
Manuela Muresan Interview – Romania Cycling Champion

Earlier this summer, we visited Transylvania in Romania, where Nadia happened to ride and win her category in 2 races – and bump into multi-disciplined Romanian National Champion Ela Muresan, who’d won the pro categories. This amazing woman has won several national titles in a wide variety of cycling genres, including road and mountain bike. She’s an inspiration to women across Romania, who are still fighting for better representation and support in cycling.

Romania MTB – Rasinari to Paltinis Hills

The mountains around the Paltinis resort are covered in magnificent forests, with isolated meadows and mountain tops. There’s a wealth of trails to explore, and this one is just a short distance from historic Sibiu, a World Heritage Site, and its endless accommodation options

Bike Box Alan EasyFit on Team Training Camp

It can be difficult to transport the bike abroad. It’s precious and important, our bike, and we don’t want it damaged . It’s often very difficult and inconvenient to disassemble the entire bike into pieces, and then to put it in a cardboard bike box. It’s not very well protected, and complicated to transport and takes up a lot of unnecessary space. – welcome to the Easy Fit, from Bike Box Alan


Larisa Chinces Blog

Outlining a cycling journey, Larisa writes about her cycling life, reviews, articles, routes and thoughts. Settle back and chill out then, as Larisa shares her cycling with you.