Col de Turini from Nice

The Col de Turini is a classic route in the hills close to Nice. It’s featured on the Tour de France and is a favourite formany locals riders. Read Diane’s account,as she chooses this as her first ever mountain col cycle route.

Lap after lap at the 24 hours of Zolder with Maria Wilke

At some point in our lives, we all seek a challenge. Maria Wilke seeks them constantly; and so we wanted to share one of her first and most epic cycling challenges – the 24 hours of Zolder! As we enter 2025, the 700 km+ cycled by this inspiring woman, is worth revisiting, as an inspiring endurance cycling achievement.

Yoga for Cyclists – the Cat-Cow Pose with Diane Vilarem

Riding all day and being bent over the handlebars can cause back pain in cyclists. The Cat-Cow Pose, or Chakravakasana, is a yoga pose that will help to improve your general posture and balance, whilst also helping to stretch out those back muscles. In her latest blog, Diane shows you how to free up those back muscles with Yoga

Inspired by cycling friends

It’s been over two months since I rode a bike. To some people, that may not sound too bad. However, when I tell you that it’s because of a life-changing health issue that isn’t too good. Thankfully, I’m constantly inspired by some amazing people…

Yoga for Cyclists – The Bow Pose with Diane Vilarem

Hip Flexors can cause cyclists all manner of pain issues. Thankfully, our flexible French Yoga Teacher, Diane Vilarem knows the perfect pose for this – the Archer inspired Bow Pose. It’s time to get flexible for riding, with Diane

Cycling and Yoga – The Benefits for Biomectrics

The Cobra Pose in Yoga is a superb exercise for cyclists looking to increase flexibility and to reduce pain in the shoulders. Our own Yoga teacher, Diane talks you through the pose in this blog

Women’s Cycling Blog and Lifestyle with Diane Vilarem

We want to bring you the very best women’s cycling wellness and lifestyle advice for your sporting lifestyle. Say hi to Diane, our Yoga Instructor and women’s cycling expert from France. Let’s help you to develop your all around physical and mental well-being with Yoga and Diane, as we show you the benefits of yoga for cyclists.

Rudy Von Berg Triathlete Interview

Rudy Von Berg is one of the best triathletes in the world. Triathletes know that adding something special to training can you give you an edge, and so Diane takes Rudy on a Yoga journey and interviews him about his triathlon life.

Diane Vilarem – Anjaneyasana Yoga Pose

As part of our series on ‘Yoga for Cyclists’, a second pose I encourage you to try is Anjaneyasana which is a low lunge pose bringing many benefits such as stretching the psoas muscle, tight quads, hamstrings, groin and hips. It is also very good for opening the chest. This pose is excellent for athletes such as cyclists or runners. I suggest you practice it after every workout.

Why should Cyclists do Yoga

So, why should cyclists do yoga?

Not only do we spend more and more time sitting (working on a computer, watching TV, driving, etc.) but, as cyclists, we tend to adopt a posture that pushes us to arch over our handlebars and move in a forward direction. This creates neck pain, shoulder and back strain and especially tight hip flexors. In addition, sitting for hours on a saddle leads to a shorter and underdeveloped psoas muscle (if you don’t know what or where your psoas muscle is located have a look at this).