
Rudy Von Berg Triathlete Interview

Rudy Von Berg is one of the best triathletes in the world. Triathletes know that adding something special to training can you give you an edge, and so Diane takes Rudy on a Yoga journey and interviews him about his triathlon life.

Diane Vilarem – Anjaneyasana Yoga Pose

As part of our series on ‘Yoga for Cyclists’, a second pose I encourage you to try is Anjaneyasana which is a low lunge pose bringing many benefits such as stretching the psoas muscle, tight quads, hamstrings, groin and hips. It is also very good for opening the chest. This pose is excellent for athletes such as cyclists or runners. I suggest you practice it after every workout.

Why should Cyclists do Yoga

So, why should cyclists do yoga?

Not only do we spend more and more time sitting (working on a computer, watching TV, driving, etc.) but, as cyclists, we tend to adopt a posture that pushes us to arch over our handlebars and move in a forward direction. This creates neck pain, shoulder and back strain and especially tight hip flexors. In addition, sitting for hours on a saddle leads to a shorter and underdeveloped psoas muscle (if you don’t know what or where your psoas muscle is located have a look at this).