
The Benefits of a Custom Built Bike

Approximately one year ago, I got the RedChilli WR1 Bike! What a delightful memory! I have to say that I am very content and extremely grateful for the bike. What I noticed in this period of using the RedChilli, is the importance of the correct bike fitting in long term period which assures comfort and safety.

Red Chilli Interactive

Christmas holidays have passed, and me and my family had a wonderful time. We all gorged ourselves with delicious food and drinks, pretty much of the time, spending time at the table with relatives and friends. New Year came with a fresh start (and 1-2kgs extra) and new resolutions plans for most of us.

My Elite Red Chilli Bike

The greens of summer turn to reds and browns and a million shades, that literally light up the autumn countryside, as everything gets ready for winter and long periods of darkness.

My Red Chilli WR1 is also a object of transition and fits perfectly with the context of autumnal change, with its chameleon colours.

Red Chilli and Hot Pirelli Tyres

It’s autumn and soon it will be winter. We have some sunny days, during which we can still enjoy riding in shorts, but soon it will get really cold – chilli  😉

When the temperatures do drop lower and the wet and rainy weather will be most likely, it won’t be possible to cycle outside for a while. The snow will come and for safety and for the cold, we’ll have time retreat and to cycle indoors or ski 🙂 – not so bad I guess 😉 .

Red Chilli WR1 – Sitting Comfortably

Ok, now that I got your attention, we can continue with some technical aspects about my bike:

There are two really important parts to my RedChilli WR1 bike; firstly, the carbon pedals by Shimano, as they fasten to my feet and prove superb power transfer and stability when riding. Then, it’s obviously my saddle…

Rosti Superblack Woman summer knickers

This is my first ever pair of three quarter length cycling knickers and I really like them; they are perfect for spring and autumn and colder days in summer.

Rosti Spring ladies long sleeved jersey

I really like the turquoise color of this jersey; it’s a fav in either dark or light shade. This Rosti Spring jacket comes in turquoise color on the torso area, the sleeves are grey with reflective particles, and the back of the forearm is matte black with gradient sized dots. Multiple pieces of fabric are beautifully sewn to get a better fit – viola!

Red Chilli WR1 Review Bike

Two years in the planning, Larisa’snew bike has been a labour of love for the editorial team here at Pedalnorth. Finally, our excited editor is able to ride her new dream bike, and the journey begins for Larisa, as a brand ambassador for Red Chilli Bikes.

Bike Box Alan Easy Fit

Modern bikes are expensive and difficult to protect when travelling. Thankfully, Bike Box Alan have developed their Easy Fit, which caters and looks after all manner of bikes with integrated handlebars and seat posts etc. Larisa likes it so much that she became an ambassador 😉

Red Chilli Bikes

For some time, the team here at Pedalnorth have been looking for key brands to work in partnership with to promote cycling. Our editorial team has a wealth of talented writers and athletes, many of who still compete across Europe, the USA and elsewhere. It is important for us that the brands we work closely with share our ethos of excellence and independence in cycling and in life.