Larisa Chinces is a cyclist, writer and former multiple national speed skating champion from Romania. Larisa is a well know social media influencer too


Designing Cycle Shoes for Women

In case you haven’t noticed it, women are built differently from men – it’s a fact. All too often, historically, brands have simply produced downsized products for women, and have failed either deliberately or otherwise, to recognise the physiological differences. Yes, the cycling world simply used a ‘Pink it & Shrink it’ mentally, failing to understand the specific needs of women as athletes.

The Benefits of a Custom Built Bike

Approximately one year ago, I got the RedChilli WR1 Bike! What a delightful memory! I have to say that I am very content and extremely grateful for the bike. What I noticed in this period of using the RedChilli, is the importance of the correct bike fitting in long term period which assures comfort and safety.

Lake CX 177 Road Cycling Shoes and Larisa Chinces

Living in the mountainous region of Transylvania, in Romania, Larisa has easy access to steep and challenging roads. Let’s find out what Larisa thinks of the new Lake Cycling CX 177 road cycling shoes in this tough terrain

Ladies Cold Weather Cycle Clothing by Alé

When Alé Cycling launched their Fall-Winter collection, it was designed just for those really cold days, where style is also important, but performance is key. Cycling where I live is tough and uncompromising, which is why I’m wearing it in Transylvania.

ALE Ladies Cold Weather Accessories 2023

Once the sun is under the clouds, it’s much colder, and so, we have to dress smart. The base layer and accesories like gloves, necktube, shoe cover, socks are equally important as the main kit when choosing how to dress-up for the ride.

Romania MTB – Rasinari to Paltinis Hills

The mountains around the Paltinis resort are covered in magnificent forests, with isolated meadows and mountain tops. There’s a wealth of trails to explore, and this one is just a short distance from historic Sibiu, a World Heritage Site, and its endless accommodation options

Bike Box Alan EasyFit on Team Training Camp

It can be difficult to transport the bike abroad. It’s precious and important, our bike, and we don’t want it damaged . It’s often very difficult and inconvenient to disassemble the entire bike into pieces, and then to put it in a cardboard bike box. It’s not very well protected, and complicated to transport and takes up a lot of unnecessary space. – welcome to the Easy Fit, from Bike Box Alan

Red Chilli Interactive

Christmas holidays have passed, and me and my family had a wonderful time. We all gorged ourselves with delicious food and drinks, pretty much of the time, spending time at the table with relatives and friends. New Year came with a fresh start (and 1-2kgs extra) and new resolutions plans for most of us.

Trans Bai Trail Romania

Transylvania and Romania have some of the most spectacular and beautiful mountains in the world. Best of all, they’re accessible to adventure seekers, and I love living here 🙂 This mtb trail follows the TransBai trail, a highway in the Baiului Mountains, a truly magical wilderness.

Red Chilli WR1 – Sitting Comfortably

Ok, now that I got your attention, we can continue with some technical aspects about my bike:

There are two really important parts to my RedChilli WR1 bike; firstly, the carbon pedals by Shimano, as they fasten to my feet and prove superb power transfer and stability when riding. Then, it’s obviously my saddle…